Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chicago Police: Chinese American Citizen Not American

In a video released by the Chicago Sun Times on May 19, 2014, a group of Chicago police officers were shown raided a store in the city in July 2013. A petite 32-year-old Chinese American manager was seen handcuffed behind her back and kneed on the floor, while police officers kept smacking her in the head.

The 110 lbs Chinese American manager Jianqing "Jessica" Klyzek was heard saying, I am a US citizen, I need a lawyer.

The Chicago police officers were heard saying, 'you are not fucking American'. An officer continued, "I'll put you in a UPS box and send you to wherever the fuck you came from!"

Jianqing Klyzek is a naturalized American Citizen of Chinese origin.

While the police officers were beating the woman, one was heard saying, "I'll take this building. You'll be dead and your family will be dead."

Obviously, according to Chicago Police force under Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama's White House, Chinese American Citizen is not 'Fucking American', whatever that means.

The police took all the surveillance video during the raid. However, the surveillance video was simultaneously remotely stored at an off-site location.

It has been close to one year after the incident took place. After reviewed the video, the Chicago police spokesman Adam Collins dismissed it as 'alleged' comments.

A large group of undercover officers as well as uniformed police officers were at the scene, as shown in the video.

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