Monday, August 23, 2010

Propaganda Official Demands Award Winning Photo Retracted

A photo showing a salvage crew auctioning the body of a college student who dead while rescuing two boys won the first place award of a national photojournalism competition. Surprisingly, a picture of this nature was not 'harmonized' by the CCP's propaganda arm. Astonishingly, a Propaganda official ordered the award be retracted after it had been announced. A communism party member must be made of special material to have an extraordinary thick face.

In response, the photographer published the entire set of photos, with chronically recorded details of the bargaining process through out hours.

The Director of the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party at the Yangtze University (that's a mouthful, I know), Mr. Li YuQuan, wrote to the 'Golden Lenses' Award of the China Photojournalism Award claiming the photo, which unanimously voted 1st place should be retracted because there was no scandal as it shows.

The Award committee agreed to launch an investigation and will announce its findings tomorrow. Regardless what comes out tomorrow, this is a rare occasion when journalists stood up against the CCP's propaganda officials in defending press freedom.

The photographer, Mr. Zhang Yi, who was a reporter of a local newspaper Jiang Han Business News was not able to publish the photo through his employer. The photo was published as a reader submission by Hua Shang News of Shannxi Pronvince along with news medias of other places. Afterwards, Zhang Yi was forced to relocate to another city.

The Yangtze University and Jiang Han Business News was a level of government in Chinese government architecture. Not only they kissed the asses of the mafia at the time of the incident, but even ate the shit one year after in the highlight of national media. There is something not salvageable here.

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