The 'girl' in the central with khata is Tian Wen, a Beijing native who came to Lhasa after graduated from Renmin University in Beijing and committed her life there. The oil painting "Cheers Lhasa!" was a work of Yu Xiaodong of his artists friends in Lhasa.
Between early 80s to early 90s, many college graduates artists went to Lhasa, the last clean world to find their dream. Most of them had left by now, and some of them died there, including the girl Tian Wen. They were mostly forgotten, except beautiful Tian, who died in 1987 at age of 29.
According to Yu Xiaodong, every details and specifics are meaningful. Yu is entitled to be the only male among many to stand by our beauty, with the only exception of an intruding arm of Li Yuan from the back row. Li Yuan's book was seen covering a closed up Tian Wen's work in missionary position. There's a middle finger from a chopped off left hand pointing to the beauty.
Tian's legal husband, Ye Nong, a Beijing musician who also volunteered to go to Tibet was excluded from this group portrait.
The painting assembled an amazing collection of notable artists in Lhasa during the 1980s. At the time, Lhasa was a notable plateau in the movement of Chinese artists embracing western influences. There are glories and stories behind each and everyone who appears, but all that remembered by themselves is this woman.
The world is being made by women. History is known because of beautiful women.
About Tian Wen:
听朋友说,这两口子当时都是文学青年,在北京也算非常前卫,他们相识就是在什么家庭舞会上,很有参与群奸群宿的重大嫌疑,在80年代政府搞“严打”那阵子可能都够判死缓的了。 据说田文曾经跟大家建议一起去游裸泳,我在事后很久才听说这事儿都感觉心往神驰,后悔好事儿都让我给错过了。想象一下,在朦胧月色下,跟一群大哥哥大姐姐一起光溜溜在昆明湖里游泳,爬上岸来立刻就被饿急了大批蚊子叮得浑身满屁股的包。多么引人入胜啊!
其实,在这之前,就注意到这位文学系的女子。 她在北京的人群中算是长得很不错的,尤其在当年的大学生群体中,肯定到任何校园里也算引人注目的(主要是墩子这样的当年嫩孩子们太多)。 印象中,田文有一双北京人少见的大大黑黑的眼睛,留个娃娃头。戴副白边眼镜。身材丰满但不算胖。个子中等而匀称。笑起来,一口白牙。皮肤不是那么白,可绝对不算黑。还有着健康青春的红色,尤其在冬天,看到她,真感觉到青春气息扑面而来。田文穿着也很时髦:冬天脚上登着一双黑高腰半高跟皮鞋。不冷的时候,穿条蓝色牛仔裤。这在当年77-80级的大学生中很少见。偶尔柃着把小提琴在校园里走来走去,随处洒下一路的笑容。
About her death:
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