Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Best Stand-up Comedians in China

While most fans of traditional performance 'Xiangsheng' debating which one is better between Guo Degang and Ma Zhiming, a young man Wang Zijian proved himself the best of best.

A recent recorded video of his show went viral on the Internet, in which Wang mocked the government and ruling class in a well paced faceless tone. He defended al-Gaddafei in the context that what he did was well legitimate in China, plus, Wang added, 'Gaddafei did not slaughter students in the square'.

In a comment to the recent Yao Jiaxin case, Wang pointed out there was more to be done than throwing a death sentence so that this won't happen again.

Wang was not the first one to make comments on social events. However, he was the most brave one, and he was the only one having done this with a masterful skill that audiences enjoyed through the show.

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