Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Root of Ethnic Problems in China

A rough translation of the article attached:

The root of the ethnic problems in China is the ethic policy adopted by the CCP.

1) Han people moved away from minority region because of the reverse discriminative policies. For example, children of Han will have to score 20 plus points (on 100 points) to compete with minority kids in college entrance exam.

2) In Mao time, many Han professionals were assigned to minority regions to assist local development. Now they are moving away when the Party can no longer control people's residence.

3) While professional fleeing away, local economy take the price. Nobody will invest in minority region.

4) Local companies dare not hire minority people, because they could walk away from any crime. Thus minorities suffers deeper economic gap comparing to local Han people. Han people are subject to the strict one child per family family planning project, while minority families are not. For an example, the president of the terrorist group behind this massacre, Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, has laid 11 children. While Ms. Rebiya Kadeer is a wealthy businesswomen, many ordinary minority family couldn't offer adequate support for their many children who would end up criminals on the street.

Neither the majority Han nor the minority Uyghur is happy. When there is a third force, such as the CIA got involved, the situation naturally exploded.

A good ethnic policy should protect fundamental rights of all people. A bias towards minority in terms of income, taxing, welfare is acceptable. However, it should extend to basic fairness regarding fundamental human rights. Minority should not be held above the law.

发信人: watcherjoe (momoren), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 西藏新疆民族问题的根本
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 7 01:27:07 2009, 美东)


1 少数民族政策让有能力的汉人逃出少数民族区。原因就是反向歧视。俺妈当年就从民族区连搬三次家回到老家省份。愿意就是不想让自己的孩子在少数民族区里长大,原话是-中考高考一加就加20分,那一分就差出一级的学校。我孩子又不傻,凭什么非要比人差。我这十几年被少数民族区耽误了,我孩子决不能耽误。

2 汉人在由国家政策安排时,不得不进少数民族区支援边区,受反向歧视。这也就是为什么改革开放之前,新疆西藏内蒙等自治区经济文化和中国其他地方比差不多,有的因为国家政策还好些。80年以后,随着中国人迁移的自由增加,人才,尤其是当年的援边的高级人才,源源不断地流回内地,主要原因就是因为民族政策。当一个国家自由度增高,政策的召唤已经不管用了。趋利避害,是人之常情。

3 随着技术性和商业性的人才溜走,民族区的经济自然就无法和沿海以及内地相比。由于有民族政策的反向歧视,政府的招商引资也不会有太大效果,毕竟干企业没有人不行。

4 民族区的经济和内地差距的增大,反过来让少数民族认为汉人故意让少数民族没饭吃,没钱挣,再加上民族政策造成的一些维,藏坏分子对于汉人欺压的有恃无恐,更造成了即使在新疆本地,大国有企业和事业单位不敢招本地人。结果就是,少数民族区相对于内陆沿海的落后,区内少数民族相对于汉人的经济地位低下。长此以往,维,藏对汉,以及汉对维,藏的积怨造成了民族对立。再加上CIA在背后放火。干柴烈火,一点就着。



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