Sunday, July 24, 2011

High Speed Train Accident 'Fixed'

The reported accident time was rewound 7 minutes back from 20:34 to 20:27. Weibo time stamp showed the accident had not happened at 20:27.

Perhaps so that the rail system would not look too bad for not knowing the train being rared had been sitting still on the track for too long.
发信人: wagmal (超级偶像,工藤静香), 信区: Military
标 题: 【我日!中共居然把温州动车事故的时间调整了!!】
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 23 22:43:57 2011, 美东)



7月23日 20:27 来自S60客户端|举报 转发(12934) | 收藏 | 评


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国:·[FROM: 173.224.]

It is also reported individuals of Wenzhou, primarily youth lined up at blood stations to help. Many luxury cars were seen parking nearby. The crowd waiting to donate blood caused multiple traffic congestion at Blood Centers in Wenzhou around midnight.

Observers were assured to see the 'spoiled generation' was also socially responsible.

Eye witnesses told reporters that all together 3 carriages fell under the high-rise bridge. Not even 24 hours after the accident, the carriages were already crushed and compressed by heavy equipment and buried at the scene. Some accused the move was to hide the real reason behind the collision.


Hong Kong based Phoenix TV showed many villagers living by the scene were saying there must be victims buried with the train. Villager accused the authority buried the train so that no body would know how many people died.

Phoenix TV has deep roots in Beijing, so the revealing could be read as a different voice within the regime. Mr. Zhang Dejiang, the vice premier, is the top official at the scene.

Officials announced the conclusion of rescue operation by 2:00 in the morning, less than 6 hours after the accident took place. Then heavy equipment moved in to crumble the carriage cars. A survivor was found around 5:00. Around 17:00 another surviving baby was found, after the carriage was pushed down 60 ft from the bridge by a heavy equipment.
yangpigui 许晖
RT @qhgy 王星WX:凌晨4点,央视新闻说现场没有生命体征了,搜救已经在2点多结束;5点,发现一名幸存者。7点,央视新闻说反复搜救没有生命体征了,现场开始切割车体、把竖在桥旁的车厢推倒……下午5点,又发现一名幸存者。心痛。此围脖已被删除。

In the official news press, the spokesperson Mr. Wang Yongping admitted they already buried part of the carriage, but promised to keep the rest. Reporters were not satisfied when Wang said the surviving baby was a 'miracle', and demand an answer as to why the carriages was ordered to be destroyed before searching for survivor. Wang simply repeated that the baby was a miracle without answer the question.

According to passenger on the two train. No rail employee showed up in the initial hours after the accident. The moral of the story is that when trapped in an accident, do not rely on government rescue. Actually, when you are in doubt whether you can make it, get out of their way and hide from government officials until you reach a safe place and announced your whereabouts to the world.

周述恒:转:“整个过程是无序的,我没有见到一个乘务员,没看见任何一个铁路部门的相关人员。全都是靠群众自发组织。 ”—— 温州动车事故亲历者讲述事故全过程《昨晚,我就在那辆动车上D3115》

While Beijing insisted 35 passengers dead. Shanghai based Oriental Satellite reported from the scene a number of 63. Hospital staffs tweeted more than 100 had died.

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